OAR (Order of Architects in Romania) sent the open call for submissions at the 20th Salon of Architecture in Novi Sad, Serbia. The Novi Sad architects organization is DANS.

I am impressed how our Serbian colleagues, the architects from Novi Sad, opened their salon to international participation. The international exposure and the open competition will only help to get better and better architecture.
Chating with architects all over the world I noticed how alike we are. Despite the different conditions in very different countries, we are more similar to each other than I could ever imagine. I would expect that regional differences will be more important. But they are not. We are architects.
It seems we are more united by our love of architecture, and our relationship with our clients and public authorities, than regional conditions, tend to separate us.
I also surfed the net to find out more about Novi Sad architecture and I visited this website: https://www.w-a-ns.com/ It is about women architects in this beautiful city of Serbia.
The Salon of Architecture:
They are looking for entries in the following categories:
1. Architecture
2. Urban Design
3. Interior Design
4. Student Work
5. Publications
6. Digital Space
7. Experiment in Architecture
The deadline for electronic submission is due. Maybe the fact that OAR sent the Serbian call for entries during the Pascal vacation has something to do with it.
But I wish good luck to my Serbian colleagues and I hope next time there will be a longer period for submission.