Deep Excavations in Romania

Architect Octavian Ungureanu / Architect’s Blog / Deep Excavations in Romania

The Romanian Building Code has a set of rules to support the edges of deep excavations in urban areas with slurry walls or piled walls made under the protection of bentonite.

Pictures of construction works: Digging in the middle of the city

Deep Excavations

The next pictures are from a construction site in Bucharest, Romania, showing excavations of more than 40 x 70 meters (130 x 230 feet) perimeter and 12 meters deep (40 feet). The edges of the excavations are reinforced with both slurry walls and piled walls going 18 meters deep (60 feet).
The excavation will cover three underground parking levels. The above building is 7 to 11 stories with both offices and apartments. The building is designed to resist important earthquakes. Romanian Earthquakes have a period of about 30 to 40 years and might often be more dangerous than 7.2-7.4 on the Richter scale.
Our architectural & engineering firm designed the architecture, engineering, and deep foundations for this building.
Maybe all over the place, our clients have a hard time understanding the importance of quality architectural and engineering design.

The construction workers seem so tiny at the bottom of the excavation.